Slovak National Drama Theatre, Bratislava/Slovakia
Written by Alexandra Salmela. Directed by Júlia Rázusová.
Dramaturgy: Miriam Kičiňová
Stage & Costume Design: Diana Strauszová
Music: Jonatan Pastirčák
Video: Viktor Petráš, Jaroslav Mackov
In Co-operation with Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe / Germany and Pesti Magyar Színház, Budapest/Hungary.
Monday 7 June - Wednesday 9 June
Showreel: Strange Things | Cudzô
Streamed Stage Play by Slovak National Drama Theatre, Bratislava/Slovakia
Free Admission
Young people are faced with all the challenges, anxieties, fears, uncertainties, and adrenaline that are part of an adventurous quest for the rescue of the world. The play portrays a world after a catastrophe where all adults have disappeared. Resources are used up, and it seems that the internet is about to stop working, too. How will the young people manage in the new context and what world will they create? Where will they look for their families and friends? “Strange Things” is a witty encounter with what we find alien and what we (like to) fear. A play about what we do and don’t find strange.
“Marin Sorescu” National Theatre of Craiova/Romania
For adolescent and adult audience
Directed by Vlad Dragulescu.
Romanian Translation: Cosmin Dragoste
Stage & Costume Design: Lia Dogaru
With: Monica Ardeleanu, Petronela Zurba
A Co-operation between Theater Magdeburg/Germany, Junges Staatstheater Braunschweig / Germany and “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre of Craiova/Romania.
18:30 CET
Performance: Democrisis. (K)ein Ausweg
360° Game Walk by “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre of Craiova/Romania
Free Admission
A right-wing populist party is the third strongest force in the German Bundestag, the British left the EU, neo-Nazi demonstrations are taking place in East Germany, a confused president wanted to build a wall: What's going on? A clearly noticeable jolt towards nationalism is currently shaking our basic democratic order. Alternative facts and hardened fronts make the necessary dialogue impossible – are we endangering our democracy?
A live theatre game developed in co-operation between Theater Magdeburg, Staatstheater Braunschweig and the “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre of Craiova. The immersive gameplay “Democrisis” is based on interviews with 14 to 20-year-old people from Braunschweig, Magdeburg and Craiova and asks the question: What would we lose if we put our democracy at risk?

Junges Staatstheater Braunschweig/ Germany
For adolescent and adult audience
Written by Jules Buchholtz
Concept and Stage Direction: Theresa Meidinger, Rike Breier & Kathrin Simshäuser
Stage and Costume Design: Ruby Heimpel und Gretl Kautzsch
Video: Stephan Chamier
Virtual 360º Walk: Gretl Kautzsch
Dramaturgy: Kathrin Simshäuser und Sarit Streicher
World premiere
18:30 CET
Performance: Democrisis. (K)ein Ausweg
360° Game Walk by Junges Staatstheater Braunschweig/Germany
Free Admission
In 2035, the consequences of climate change have become reality, living conditions on planet Earth have become uncomfortable - but luckily there is the global corporation PlanetTech. With their help worse development can be avoided. Jona Assault, however, is fighting the corporation underground - what is he up to, and is the catastrophe perhaps already closer than everyone thought? In the immersive gameplay "DEMOCRISIS. (K)ein Ausweg" the players are exposed to a possible future scenario. What would we do to save the climate? How important are our democratic values to us? A highly explosive game on the topics of democracy, nationalism and eco-totalitarianism.
A 360º game tour was developed for the Young Europe Festival "To:gather", in which all participants explore the surroundings of the original venue, Lokpark Braunschweig, with the help of a virtual tour. An integrated part of the production is a subsequent workshop with a follow-up discussion.

Theater Magdeburg/ Germany
For adolescent and adult audience
Written by Jules Buchholtz. Directed by Anton Kurt Krause
Dramaturgy & Project Management: Laura Busch
Stage & Costume Design: Nadine Hampel
Theatre Pedagogy: Veronika Riedel
Game Design Consult: Matthias Prinz
With: Anja Signitzer, Isabel Will
18:30 CET
Live Zoom Performance: Democrisis. (K)ein Ausweg
Live Zoom Performance by Theater Magdeburg.
Free Admission
A right-wing populist party is the third strongest force in the German Bundestag, the British left the EU, neo-Nazi demonstrations are taking place in East Germany, a confused president wanted to build a wall: What's going on? A clearly noticeable jolt towards nationalism is currently shaking our basic democratic order. Alternative facts and hardened fronts make the necessary dialogue impossible – are we endangering our democracy?
A live theatre game developed in co-operation between Theater Magdeburg, Staatstheater Braunschweig and the “Marin Sorescu” National Theatre of Craiova. The immersive gameplay “Democrisis” is based on interviews with 14 to 20-year-old people from Braunschweig, Magdeburg and Craiova and asks the question: What would we lose if we put our democracy at risk?

Junges DT Berlin/Germany
Written & directed by Wilke Weermann
Dramaturgy: Lasse Scheiba
Stage Design: Ayfer Ezgi Karataş
Theatre Pedagogy: Maura Meyer, Simon Gal
With: Laura Eichten, Nazim Dario Neumann
In Co-operation with De Toneelmakerij, Amsterdam/Netherlands and Weöres Sándor Színház, Szombathely/Hungary.
20:30 CET
Performance: RAGE
Streamed classroom play by Junges DT / Deutsches Theater Berlin/Germany
Free Admission
Students disappear. The recruitment videos of a masked girl, Esther, are circulating on social media. She demands immediate political participation. More and more young people join her collective. Who will listen to you when you are still a minor? What forms of participation do we need? And what if Fridays for Future is just the beginning? Wilke Weermann spoke with Berlin pupils who are fighting for their future. The research material and interviews were used to create a classroom play about the political desires of young people.

De Toneelmakerij, Amsterdam/Netherlands
Written by Jibbe Willems. Directed by Wieke ten Cate.
Dramaturgy: Paulien Geerlings
Stage & Costume Design: Studio Dennis Vanderbroeck
Theatre Education: Martien Langman
Music: Rik Elstgeest (Touki Delphine)
With: Frieda Barnhard, Teunie de Brouwer, Belinda van der Stoep, Chiem Vreeken
In Co-operation with Weöres Sándor Színház, Szombathely/Hungary and Deutsches Theater Berlin/Germany.
18:30 CET
Performance: Age of Rage
Streamed Stage Play by De Toneelmakerij, Amsterdam/The Netherlands
Free Admission
There’s a girl in a police cell, and she’s angry. She’s 16, and she’s smart. She didn’t even do much wrong, really, she reckons. All she did was throw a pie in a politician’s face. But then they pinned her down on the ground, arrested her and locked her up. But she’s already got enough reasons to be angry: her parents have been divorcing for the last year, she’s debt-relief poor, and every time she tries to form an opinion, she’s cut down again by her psychologists, teachers or classmates. “Age of Rage” is about a combative girl who’s trying all she can to move forward, but she keeps on getting dragged down. She wants to be heard, but nobody’s listening.

Weöres Sándor Színház, Szombathely/Hungary
Written by Attila Lőrinczy. Directed by Attila Réthly.
Stage & Costume Design: Viktória Takács
Prompter: Ágnes Jenei
Assistant Director: Bernát Pados
Theatre Pedagogy: Gyöngyi Németh,
Blanka Kovács
With: Judit Németh, Boglárka Nagy-Bakonyi,
Csaba Kenderes
In Co-operation with De Toneelmakerij, Amsterdam/Netherlands and Deutsches Theater Berlin/Germany.
20:00 CET
Performance: Fury Island | Haragossziget
Streamed Stage Play by Weöres Sándor Színház, Szombathely/Hungary
Free Admission
In Hungary in the 2000s there was an astonishing number of murders committed by young people. We created a fictional documentary story in which we deliberately avoided obvious motives such as poverty, drug addiction or severe psychological stress. We were curious to see how seemingly consolidated, wealthy young people - much like those in ancient Greek tragedies - could commit the most serious crime: matricide. The story is told in the overlapping of the narratives of the sixteen-year-old high school girl Stuci, her nineteenyear-old friend Zsomer, and the monologues of her mother Erika, a fifty-four-year-old librarian.

Junges Staatstheater Karlsruhe/Germany
Written by Stefan Hornbach. Directed by Djuna Delker.
Dramaturgy: Lena Fritschle
Stage & Costume Design: Svenja Kosmalski
Theatre Pedagogy: Virginie Bousquet, Pascal Grupe
Production Management: Mona vom Dahl
With: Alisa Kunina, Pål Fredrik Kvale (2019/20), Constantin Petry (2020/21)
In Co-operation with Pesti Magyar Színház, Budapest/Hungary and Slovak National Drama Theatre, Bratislava/Slovakia.
- 10:00 CET
- 14:00 CET
Performance: Plan(et) B
Live Zoom Play by Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe/Germany
10 seats available | Free Admission
The Fridays for Future movement and numerous renowned scientists agree: If our planet were a boat, it would soon be sinking. It’s time for a new generation to take the wheel. Because there is no planet B for us to escape to. But there may well be a plan B …

Pesti Magyar Színház, Budapest/Hungary
Written by Péter Deres, János Antal Horváth, Illés Horváth.
Directed by Illés Horváth.
Dramaturgy: János Antal Horváth
Stage & Costume Design: Anett Gálvölgyi, Márton Miovácz
Assistant Director: Andrea Juhász
Light Design: Péter Vajda
Music: Ákos Zságer-Varga
Choreography: Barnabás Horkay
English Translation: Réka Vajda, Olivér Szendrey-Nagy
With: Antos Gémes, Panka Kovács, Gábor Kovács
In Co-operation with Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe/Germany and Slovak National Drama Theatre, Bratislava/Slovakia.
20:00 CET
Performance: Before Tomorrow | Holnapelőtt
Streamed Stage Play by Pesti Magyar Színház, Budapest/Hungary
Free Admission
How do young people see how they can equip their lives in a world where there are no adults – perhaps because of an apocalyptic disaster? How can they communicate with each other, survive when there is no parental control over them?

New Publication: Youth Theatre – A Casebook is Released
Best-practice examples to make theatre with and for young people14 October 2020 -
Foreword to "Youth Theatre - A Casebook"
Age of Rage
"When you have the feeling that no one cares about you and you have difficulty making ends meet, you vote for the person who promises you an extra twenty euros every month." Wieke Ten Cate tells us about writing for teenagers about radicalism. -
Before Tomorrow
"As the generation known by the final letters of the alphabet continues to grow up and become adults in the early twenty-first century, a contradictory situation becomes ever more evident... -
Surface Chat or Silent Depth
"We can say on an abstract level that one of the main sources of rage among the teenage respondents is ‘Family’ itself." -
How to Develop Games in (a) Theatre?
"A very important thing to reflect on is that you exclude linearity in storytelling. This way, parts of the story are left out at some shows but included in others." -
Creating a Language for and With Young Audiences
"A fresh take on language connected with computer slang, modern abbreviations and rough descriptions of things, lives and people." -
When the Classroom Learns to Fly (After All)
"The exclusivity of the performance for this closed group of people creates a special bond between the characters and their audience." -
Why democracies are not about doing the right thing, but about how the right thing is always being done in the right way.