Eight half hour original unique acts in four appointments to meet the new Italian contemporary dramaturgy. Streaming from February 27th to March 20th 2021
The texts selected by the MEZZ'ORE D'AUTORE project are by Maria Teresa Berardelli, Simone Corso, Marco Di Stefano, Carlo Galiero, Giulia Lombezzi, Manlio Marinelli, Tobia Rossi and Giuseppe Viroli. They are eight short single acts that will be realized in the form of reading or mise-en-espace by the Ensemble Stabile of Fondazione Teatro Due, and streamed starting from February 27th.
In December, Fondazione Teatro Due launched the new contemporary dramaturgy project MEZZ'ORE D'AUTORE, a response to the forced closure of the theatre, in the name of "returning to the fundamentals of the scene": text and actor. The initiative was aimed at theatre authors of any age, who were asked to send an original unpublished text that had the sole requirement of lasting no more than half an hour. Teatro Due received about 300 works from all over Italy, texts that were read and judged by a commission of experts in order to arrive at a final selection. The work of the commission has concluded and the selected works are now in the hands of the actors.
The eight winning texts of the MEZZ'ORE D'AUTORE contest will be realized as reading or mise-en-scène by the actors of the Ensemble Stabile and streamed in four parts.
For four Saturdays, the Fondazione Teatro Due website will present two texts followed by a live meeting with the authors:
- February 27: A Focus Group by Marco Di Stefano and Il Principe dei Sogni Belli by Tobia Rossi
- March 6: Il Fiore Rosso by Maria Teresa Berardelli and Ottavo Livello by Giuseppe Viroli
- March 13: Le Conseguenze del Riscaldamento Globale by Giulia Lombezzi and Il Serraglio by Carlo Galiero
- March 20: Dead Men Waiting by Manlio Marinelli and Bestie Incredule by Simone Corso
All broadcasts will start at 19.30 and will remain available for a week.
The selected texts were judged by a commission of experts composed of the playwright Roberto Cavosi, the journalist and theatre critic Francesca De Sanctis, editorial curator for TV Giulia Morelli, director Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli, founder of LuckyRed film production and distribution Andrea Occhipinti, translator and dramaturg of the Katona Theatre in Budapest Tamara Török, editorial director of the Cue Press publishing house Mattia Visani, director of the Teatro Due Foundation Paola Donati and two actors of the Ensemble Stabile Teatro Due.
The variety of points of view offered by the specific areas of competence of the commission members have enriched a very interesting dialogue which will be shared with the public in two in-depth meetings, where the public will find an occasion for Q&A about the profession of theatrical writing.
- Friday 12 February at 6.00 pm Francesca De Sanctis, Andrea Occhipinti, Tamara Török and Mattia Visani will be guests of the Teatro Due Foundation for an online talk online moderated by Rai Radio 3 Journalist Graziano Graziani
- Friday 19 February at 6.00 pm Roberto Cavosi, Paola Donati, Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli and Giulia Morelli will be coordinated by the journalist of Corriere della Sera Laura Zangarini.
Friday 12 February 2021, 6.00 pm Conversation with Francesca De Sanctis, Andrea Occhipinti, Tamara Török and Mattia Visani moderated by Graziano Graziani
Friday 19 February 2021, 6.00 pm Conversation with Roberto Cavosi, Paola Donati, Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli, Giulia Morelli moderates Laura Zangarini
February 27 Focus Group by Marco Di Stefano; The Prince of Beautiful Dreams by Tobia Rossi
March 6 The Red Flower by Maria Teresa Berardelli; Eighth Level by Giuseppe Viroli
March 13 The Consequences of Global Warming by Giulia Lombezzi; The Seraglio by Carlo Galiero
March 20 Dead Men Waiting by Manlio Marinelli; Incredulous Beasts by Simone Corso
Live Streaming on:
www.teatrodue.org / YouTube: TeatroDueParma / Facebook: TeatroDueParma
Instagram: @TeatroDueParma
Main image from a previous Teatro Due Parma project. (c) Fondazione Due Parma