Just Another Cup of Tea (Čaj u pána senátora) is a play by Ivan Stodola that is set (almost) a hundred years ago and captures the early days of democracy in our territory.
Since democracy was unfamiliar to the Slovak people, it took time for the new-found citizens to learn how to navigate the previously uncharted system. That is why we can notice maladies in the behaviour of the political leaders of that time that are out of place in an advanced society and are considered to have long since been overcome. However, we should not judge our ancestors too harshly - after all, they did not have decades of experience under their belt that could have made them the proud politicians they are today. That is why we should look back to the joyful and less favourable moments of the past to appreciate our society's development over nearly a hundred years.
Directed by Pavol Viecha
Dramaturgy Martin Krč
Set and Costume Designer Stanislava Nerečová
Cast Emília Vášáryová, Ján Gallovič, Zrakáč Theatre actor´s ensemble
Premiere: 27. 11. 2022; The Blue Saloon; Slovak National Theatre