The Schauspielhaus Salzburg is, as of today, the biggest independent theatre in Austria, with a fixed staff of about 100 employees, half of them women.
Our main focus relies on acting and drama, offering in approximately 15 annual productions a broad panel of genres and aesthetic perspectives, covering reinterpretations of classical plays, musical theatre, adaptation of novels and popular comedies as well as post-dramatic and documentary theatre. We actively support contemporary playwriting and commission new plays every year.
We also offer productions intended specifically for children and schools, and tour throughout Austria. With the additional smaller productions in the foyer, we stage about 400 performances a year. The moderate ticket prices make the productions affordable for everyone. In pre-pandemic years, our average capacity utilization clocked in at about 85 percent.
The Schauspielhaus Salzburg has two stages (210 and 85 seats), its own production house with workshops, rehearsing stages, housing for guest artists as well as a private acting school, whose students are integrated in the repertoire.