Call for ETC Theatre Green Book Season 2024/25!

Apply to join the Focus Group or the Mentorship strand (members only)

Following the ETC launch of the ETC Theatre Greenbook at the ETC International Conference Nova Gorica on Saturday 20 April 2024., ETC is proud to launch its call for interest for ETC members to be part of the ETC Theatre Green Book Season 2024/25! 

The ETC Theatre Green Book is the international version of the renowned “Theatre Green Book” initiative. It is a step-by-step guide for European Theatres, developed by ETC and its members, to reach net zero emissions by 2030. It also includes a self-certification label, the ETC TGB label for theatres to make visible their green journey. As part of this initiative, ETC is now launching two new large-scale programme strands to support member theatres in their journey towards green sustainability. 

If this sounds interesting to you and you don’t want to wait any longer in making sustainability a priority as part of your theatres’ leadership role, and to take on an ambassador’s role to promote the ETC TGB as shared process to measure sustainable progress across European theatres, you can choose to apply to the following two strands: 

The Focus Group Strand

In the focus group strand, ETC member theatres will receive dedicated support to apply the ETC TGB in the areas of production, operation and buildings, directly from Renew Culture. The aim is to reach Basic Level for your theatre on the sustainability transformation journey by the end of the 1-year programme. Building up on the success of the first focus group, members from this second edition will benefit from at least three online webinars, each one covering one of the three areas, interactive online sessions with the other focus group members and an in person visit and workshop from Paddy & Lisa with your teams. The visit lasts 1-2 days and the travelling and accommodation costs are to be covered by the selected member theatres. 

Each new focus group member commits to act as mentor for two more theatres the year after. 

The Mentorship Strand

Alternatively, you can decide to be mentored by one of the focus group members 2023/2024. Together with another member theatre, you will be benefitting from the extensive knowledge from a member taking part in online webinars and one-on-one discussions. In direct exchange with your colleagues at various departments in the mentoring and co-mentee theatre, you will apply step by step the tools and calculators of the three ETC TGB volumes: production, operations, buildings, aiming to reach Basic Level after the 1 year programme. Each mentee theatre commits to act as mentor to another ETC member the year after.

Should you choose this strand, you an express your interest in being mentored by one of the following focus group members: 

  • Deutsche Theatre, Berlin (drama repertory theatre) 
  • Narodni Divadlo, Prague (3 branch repertory theatre) 
  • Det Norske Teatret, Oslo (drama repertory theatre) 
  • Staatschauspiel, Dresden (drama repertory theatre) 
  • Teatro Arriaga, Bilbao (multidisciplinary co-production theatre) 
  • Théatre de Liége, Liége (multidisciplinary co-production theatre) 
  • Toneelmakerij, Amsterdam (youth theatre touring and production company) 
  • Young Vic, London (drama production theatre) 
  • Het Zuidelijk Toneel, Tilburg (touring and production company and theatre) 

There are 9 spots for the Focus Group strand and 18 for the Mentorship Strand. The theatres applying for the mentorship strand, will be selected by the mentoring theatres and the the ETC Green Theatre Committee. The focus group theatres will be selected by the ETC Green Theatre Committee. 

All selected theatres will be informed over the course of June, to start the programme in September 2024. 


  • Benefit from a unique framework to advance your climate neutrality 
  • Profit from the knowledge and expertise of experienced theatre professionals 
  • Become a full participant of the ETC green revolution 
  • Get the chance to learn from your peers 
  • Discover innovative ways to respond to common challenges 
  • Receive the ETC-TGB label upon completion after each level: Preliminary, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced 


  • Commitment to the process 
  • Appoint one or two staff members as main contact point 
  • Join the ETC TGB community and share your learnings with case studies, interviews, articles etc. to the wider community 

ETC Theatre Green Book

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