Morten Gjelten
Director of the Association of Norwegian Theatres and Orchestras, Oslo/Norway
Morten Gjelten is Managing Director of the Association of Norwegian Theatres and Orchestras (Norsk teater- og orkesterforening – NTO), the main association for cultural organisations within the field of professional performing arts; theatre, music, opera and dance. In the 1980s, he graduated from the Norwegian School of Economics (Norges Handelshøyskole – NHH), and has spent his professional career within the field of performing arts, such as Theatre director at Det Norske Teatret and Trøndelag Teater.
Photo: © Brian Olguin

Julie Rongved Amundsen
Editor of scenekunst.no, Oslo/Norway
Julie Rongved Amundsen has a Ph.D. in theatre studies from the University of Oslo and is a freelance theatre writer and critic. She is currently the editor of the online theatre journal Scenekunst.no that publishes widely on the topic of Norwegian theatre.
Photo: © Nicola Chiarenza

Gabriele Sofia
Associate Professor in Performing Arts at the University of Grenoble Alpes/France
Gabriele Sofia is Associate Professor in Performing Arts at the University of Grenoble Alpes. Since 2006, he has been carrying out a transdisciplinary research project on the neurophysiology of the actor and the spectator. From 2009 to 2013, he promoted and organised five editions of the International Conference “Dialoghi tra teatro e neuroscienze” [Dialogues between Theatre and Neuroscience]. In May 2013, he published the book “Le acrobazie dello spettatore. Dal teatro alle neuroscienze e ritorno.” (Roma, Bulzoni).
Photo: © Nicola Chiarenza
Naino Kashibadze
Product Manager at Wandio, Tbilisi/Georgia

George Albert Costea
Actor (Teatrul National “Marin Sorescu” Craiova) and “Dub It” Project Manager, Craiova/Romania
G.A. Costea is an actor of the company of TNC Marin Sorescu with an experience of almost 10 years but is also collaborating with other companies mainly in Bucharest as an actor, dancer and performer. “Dub It” from the European Theatre Lab is the first project he has been working as a project manager after participating at the Summer Academy of ETC on International Production (Avignon, France, 2016).

Claudiu Ionuț Popîrla
Head of Laboratory of Formal Intelligence Integration in Analysis, Simulation, Development, Testing and Certification of Computation Infrastructures at INCESA, Craiova/Romania
Claudiu Ionuț Popîrlan (born on November 21, 1980) graduated the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Craiova and receive the Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2009. Since 2012, he is Lecturer at the Computer Science Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania. His research interests include: multi-agent systems, knowledge representation and advanced programming techniques and he has published over 50 papers in refereed conferences, journals, lectures and monographs in these domains. Since 2016 he is Head of Laboratory of Formal Intelligence Integration in Analysis, Simulation, Development, Testing and Certification of Computation Infrastructures, INCESA – Research Infrastructure.

Amund Ulvestad
Multimedia Artist, Musician and Composer, Berlin/Germany & Oslo/Norway
Amund Ulvestad is a Norwegian multimedia artist, musician and composer based in Oslo and Berlin. He holds an MA in Music Technology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Amund Ulvestad has been active as a touring musician since childhood, and has played concerts throughout Europe, USA and Canada both as a soloist and within various ensembles. His main instruments are the cello and live electronics. Amund Ulvestad’s work also includes sound and light installations, multimedia performance, theatre and dance. Since 2015, Amund Ulvestad has functioned as a guest lecturer at the department for Music Technology at NTNU. He was awarded full Government work grants by The Norwegian Arts Council in 2016 and 2017.

Christian Ziegler
Associate Artist of ZKM Karlsruhe/Germany
Chris Ziegler is a director, digital artist and architect of numerous international interdisciplinary projects in dance, performing and new media arts. Currently he holds a position as Assistant Professor for Interactive Media at Arizona State University (ASU) where he is researching “Intelligent Stage”. He is Associate Artist of ZKM Karlsruhe, lecturer, teacher and researcher at SINLAB/École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the Amsterdam School for the Arts (AHK) and the International Choreographic Center in Amsterdam (ICK Amsterdam), Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design/ZKM Karlsruhe, the Art University of Linz ”Interface Cultures”, LaSalle University Singapore and also at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. He won several Design Awards, such as the I.D. Design Silver and Bronze Awards and a “New Voices New Visions” Multimedia Award, New York.

Alexandru Berceanu
Director of CINETic, Bucharest/Romania
Alexandru Berceanu is the director of CINETic Research Centre in Digital Interaction at UNATC IL Caragiale, where he also works as a researcher in MET project. He is an independent stage director and cultural manager. Alexandru Berceanu directed numerous theatre performances in state and independent theatres which won national and international awards. He is a founding member of the dramacum NGO. Starting from his interest for new playwriting and extending performance areas, Alexandru Berceanu has collaborated on interdisciplinary projects such as the immersive and subversive nstallation “1958-1968”, the graphic novel “Mickey on Danube” or the VR experience “Bucharest 41 VR Tour” or “Touch the difference”. He is a PhD candidate at Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj working on the subject ”Violence in Performing Arts, From Hypnotic Power to Social Responsibility”, supervised by Prof Dr. Miruna Runcanu.

Tore Vagn Lid
Artistic Director of Transiteatret, Bergen/Norway
Tore Vagn Lid works as director, author and composer. He is Professor at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (Directors Department) and holds the 2018 Hölderlin-Guest-Professor for Dramaturgy at Goethe University, Frankfurt a. M. Tore Vagn Lid is the Artistic Director of Transiteateret-Bergen. He has obtained a PhD from the Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft in Gießen, Germany. From 2014 on, Tore Vagn Lid was project leader for the 3-years long artistic development program “Knowledge and skills for a post-dramatic theatre”. He has written, directed and composed music for a range for performances, among them “Kill Them All! (Lid 2013), “Almenrausch – a Radio Hearing (Lid 2011), “DUB Leviathan!” (2015), “Vår Ære/Vår Makt” (Grieg/Lid/Løveid 2011) and “Fridomens Vegar” (2016). Tore Vagn Lid has published articles, books and translations, among them: “Gegenseitige Verfremdungen – Theater als kritischer Stoffwechsel zwischen Bühne und Musik”. Peter Lang Verlag (2011)

Gerfried Stocker
Managing and Artistic Director of Ars Electronica, Linz/Austria
Gerfried Stocker is a media artist and an electronic engineer. Since 1995, he has been managing and artistic director of Ars Electronica. In 1995/1996, he developed the groundbreaking exhibition strategies of Ars Electronica Center with a small team of artists and technicians and was responsible for the set-up and establishment of Ars Electronica’s own R&D facility, Ars Electronica Futurelab. Since 2004, he has been in charge of developing Ars Electronica’s programme of international exhibition tours. From 2005 on, he planned the expansion of Ars Electronica Center and implemented the total substantive makeover of its exhibits. Stocker is a guest speaker at many international conferences and a Visiting Professor at Osaka University of Arts as well as guest lecturer at Deusto University Bilbao. He is also a consultant for many international companies on creativity and innovation management.
Photo: © Florian Voggeneder

Joris Weijdom
Researcher at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht/The Netherlands
Joris Weijdom is researcher and designer of Mixed Reality Experiences with a special focus on interdisciplinary creative processes and performativity. He is the founder of the Media and Performance Laboratory (MAPLAB), which enabled from 2012 until 2015 practice-led artistic research on the intersection of performance, media and technology. He works as a researcher at the Professorship Performative Processes and teaches at several BA and MA courses at the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht. Joris Weijdom is always looking for the ‘inter’ in everything: inter-disciplinarity, inter-connectivity, inter-action and inter-faces. He learned from experience that sharing ideas and concepts through “sketching” in a Collaborative Mixed-Reality Environment (CMRE) is a powerful and effective approach for creative research, design and development. Being able to quickly manifest ideas through interactive spatial prototypes stimulates experimentation and possibly true innovation.

Ruth Jakobi
Secretary General of European Music Council, Bonn/Germany
Ruth Jakobi studied Music, French and Education in Hamburg, Germany and Lyon, France. During her studies, she was employed part-time as the international relationship officer at Hamburg University for Music and Theatre. In 2001, she accepted the post of the executive officer at the foundation “Podium for Young Musicians”, offering stage experience and capacity building workshops for emerging professional musicians. Since September 2003 Ruth Jakobi has been employed as Secretary General of the European Music Council (EMC) and carried out this function partly in dual leadership with Simone Dudt. She has been invited as a lecturer to international conferences and to cultural management study courses. Ruth also served as jury member for youth music competitions and for the Fair Music Award. From 2006-2008 she was an elected member of the Board of EFAH – European Forum for the Arts and Heritage (today Culture Action Europe). Between 2010 and 2016 Ruth stepped back from her function as EMC Secretary General to mainly take care of her three children. During this time, she continued working on special projects for the EMC and also worked as a freelance consultant for international project management.

Marie Le Sourd
Secretary General On The Move, Brussels/Belgium
Since 2012, Marie Le Sourd is the Secretary General of On The Move, the cultural mobility information network active in Europe and worldwide. Prior to this position, Marie Le Sourd worked in Singapore for the Asia-Europe Foundation (Cultural Department) from 1999 to 2006 and directed the French Cultural Centre in Yogyakarta-Indonesia from 2006 to 2011. Marie Le Sourd has over the years nurtured a knowledge pool on international cultural cooperation, funding schemes for the mobility of artists and cultural professionals, networks and web-resources. She is overall interested in the multiple impacts of mobility on artists and cultural professionals and evaluation process linked to these