There’s a pattern in European Theatre. Brilliant artists from non-dominant backgrounds emerge and are championed by certain theatres, directors, and collectives.
But institutions change, and over time this exemplary work is left behind. The reliance on a ‘dominant’ canon disadvantages everyone – particularly young artists and audiences as they try to find their voice.
The ETC International Theatre Conference and Young Europe IV Festival, hosted by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica (Slovenia), aim to change this. Titled ‘The Young. The Bold. Break the Mould’, the events will take place from 17-21 April 2024 and include:
- A full artistic showcase, the Young Europe IV Festival, presenting eight original productions by nine ETC theatres on diverse themes for young audiences – created as part of our award-winning Young Europe IV project, and four performances from the Slovene National Theatre repertory.
- Interventions from 20+ exciting young European artists
- Panel discussions and networking events on diversity in European theatre, particularly in work for naturally inclusive classroom audiences, and the ETC-first launch of the brand new sustainability guideline and self-certification label, the ETC Theatre Green Book.
We’re excited to bring the ETC network to Nova Gorica as it prepares to become European Capital of Culture 2025. We’re also looking forward to discovering the programme of performances and activities by Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica under the artistic direction of Marko Bratuš.

17 - 21 April 2024
(c) Saša Mrak / David Verlič (SNG Nova Gorica / European Theatre Convention)