Solidarity in Focus

Schauspiel Leipzig

Season 2019/2020

“Miteinander / Ensemble (Together / Ensemble)” is the motto that Schauspiel Leipzig has set itself for the 2019/2020 season. We will focus on the solidarity among the theatre community as well as the cohesion of society as a whole.

Our emphasis will lie on a wide range of cooperation projects, and strong artistic positions will define our season programme. New authors like Martina Clavadetscher and Alexandra Pâzgu as well as directors like Katrin Plötner or the directing team Regine Dura and Hans-Werner Kroesinger will present their work in Leipzig for the first time. In its production Drei Tage auf dem Land, the theatre will open up new urban spaces in the summer of 2020.

Directors like Claudia Bauer or Philipp Preuss will reveal new aspects of classic material like Kafka’s novel The Castle or Master and Margarita by Bulgakov. The venue Residenz will cooperate with the independent scene, presenting performances by artists like Jule Flierl / Mars Dietz, Rabih Mroué and Antonia Baehr / Lucile Desamory.



©Rolf Arnold

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