by Jean-Pierre Piemme
Performance Exchange supported by ETC
Produced by: Théâtre de Liège
It’s about telling a story.
Telling History or telling each other stories?
Is our need for storytelling ruining the present?
The actors are telling the stories of six scriptwriters
Those six scriptwriters are writing the pilot of a TV series.
This series retraces the life of Max. Born in Germany, Max is working in the factories in Seraing in 1930. He falls in love with an actress during the Third Reich in Berlin. She is Jewish and will exile to the Russia of Staline.
Three of the scriptwriters are Belgium, the three others are German and the series they are writing will be in English. This today’s generation, sons of the defeated and sons of the victorious, try to create the story of Europe from the past and by doing so, are writing another page of today’s Europe.
Theatre is an art of the present says Jean-Marie Piemme
What is our present telling about the past?
How can we talk about heritage, exile, the defeat and the shame?
How can we tell a story?
This production was shown at Staatstheater Braunschweig. The production is available for touring.
©Volker Beinhorn