Finish Your Plate & Other Stories

Youth theatre performances by de Toneelmakerij on “Theaterflix”

March 2020

De Toneelmakerij, Amsterdam (Netherlands) during the coronavirus outbreak

De Toneelmakerij, based in Amsterdam, also had to cancel all theatre performances during the coronavirus outbreak. Nevertheless, the theatre company intends to continue inspiring kids and youngsters to stay in touch with art from home. In collaboration with Theaterflix (yes, the Dutch theatre-equivalent to Netflix!), de Toneelmakerij have released plays which can be accessed now for free.

Furthermore, de Toneelmakerij’s education department has been working hard to translate the corresponding school assignments to the home audience. This material is available for free as well on their website.

One of the plays is Finish Your Plate, a comedy for everyone age 4 and up, with gibberish and flying vegetables. It is about the everyday battle for every parent to get their kids to eat their vegetables. Thanks to the so-called ‘fake’ jabbertalk, there is no language-barrier and everyone in the world can enjoy it.

About Finish Your Plate

Finish Your Plate features K-pop peppers, fitness fries, clever-clever cucumbers and the crushed ideals of a conflict-free kitchen table. A tasty snack for connoisseurs aged 4 to 104.

Mumski, Dadski and Jipski are a happy family – most of the time! When the clock strikes 6, the dinner table turns into a battlefield, and the food served by Mumski is the ammunition. No matter how much Mumski and Dadski cajole, manipulate, swear and roar, nothing helps. In fact, Jipski seems to be enjoying every minute of this power game. His mouth stays tightly closed – and his tummy stays worryingly empty. Jipski’s problem with eating starts to have a disruptive effect on the entire family. When Jipski is wrongfully punished after a birthday party gets out of hand, it leads to a terrifying megalomaniacal fantasy.

Will Mumski, Dadski and Jipski emerge cured from a culinary catharsis, or will they succumb to an anarchic alimentary Armageddon?




Hamlet by de Toneelmakerij ©Sanne Peper

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