A story that takes place in a Portuguese kindergarten in 2025, but could take place in any other Western country, in which four children give in to their curiosity to explore the playground alone, with the specific aim of, using galoshes, go jump in the puddles of water created by the rain.
In an attempt to leave, they accidentally end up locked in the basement of the facilities, which will leave them in a situation of fear and distress and, later, the consequences of disobedience. However, it is the authority figure of the kindergarten teacher who, faced with the children's attempts of justification, takes pity on their genuine desire to explore Nature through the naive wish to play in puddles and agrees to, for just five minutes, go with the four children to the playground, after they put on their galoshes, and let them play in the puddles.
In addition to the parable, the text presents game situations and dialogues that bring up important themes for the target audiences and, we hope, also for adult audiences, raising questions such as “How do you play ball without getting your shoes dirty?”, or “How do you run without sweating your shirt?”, or even “How can you drink milk without getting a mustache”?
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Photo: (c) Rui Carvalho