What are the greatest innovations in the world of theatre, who are the most interesting authors on the international scene and what are their texts about?
During ‘Giornate d'Autore’, scheduled at Teatro Due in Parma from 22nd to 26th November 2024, it will be possible to answer these questions and meet some of the most interesting authors on the contemporary scene, with readings of their unpublished texts.
Conceived by Fondazione Teatro Due, ‘Giornate d'Autore’ is part of the 'Arcipelaghi' project of Reggio Parma Festival.
Florian Borchmeyer, director of the FIND Festival at the Schaubühne in Berlin, will coordinate and moderate all the events.
Each day will be divided into two moments: a panel dedicated to a specific theme and a focus on an author with a conversation with him/her and with readings of his/her most important works.
‘Giornate d'Autore’ ideally opens on Friday 22nd November at 8.30 pm, with the world premiere of Diciassette cavallini by Rafael Spregelburd.
On Saturday 23rd November at 4.30 pm, the German author Marius von Mayenburg will be presented with readings from his Ellen Babić, a psychological thriller on the abuse of power. The meeting will be preceded at 2pm by a panel about Dramaturgy today with artists and drama theorists; among the speakers the Dramaturg and scholar Carl Hegemann, the Director of the Piccolo Teatro of Milan Claudio Longhi, the deputy director of Centro Dramático Nacional of Madrid Fefa Noia, and Marius von Mayenburg himself.
On Sunday 24 November, at 11 am, the man Fausto Malcovati has called the most important Russian playwright of the 21st century will be presented: Ivan Vyrypaev. The collage of his plays, edited and read by Teodoro Bonci Del Bene, will bring to the surface the post-Soviet underground and the corruption of a society that has repressed its darker sides for too long.
The panel that will follow at 2 pm, Dramaturgy and Production Systems, will be a in dialogue between theater directors Marie Bues (Schauspielhaus in Vienna), Toni Casares (Sala Beckett in Barcelona) and Ivan Vyrypaev.
There is no moralism in the nine stories that make up La réponse del Hommes by the French Tiphaine Raffier: the reading of the text, which will follow the playwright's presentation on Monday 25th November at 2 pm, will appeal to the audience's empathy in order to highlight the contradictions and the familiarity of evil.
At 4.30 pm, it will be the turn of Fausto Paravidino, a talent already known to the Italian public, who will read his text Temporale together with Iris Fusetti and Daniele Natali, an investigation into our complicated relationship with death and the deepest meaning of life.
At 6.30 pm the Dramaturgy and Press panel will be held by journalists Peter Laudenbach (Süddeutsche Zeitung) and Graziano Graziani (RAI Radio 3, Lucy on culture).
The programme concludes on Tuesday 26th November at 6.30pm with Rafael Spregelburd, whose shows will be performed throughout ‘Giornate d'Autore’.
The meetings are free and open to the public upon reservation (biglietteria@teatrodue.org – tel.0521.230242).