NADIA: Exploring Radicalisation in Theatre and the Arts
NADIA was an international theatre collaboration project between five theatres from five different countries focusing on exploring the reasons of radicalisation of young people in western societies, and the attraction to join the Caliphate.
Five small scale theatre performances are co-produced in 2017 at Fondazione Teatro Due Parma (Italy), Staatstheater Braunschweig (Germany), Det Norske Teatret Oslo (Norway), Théâtre de Liège (Belgium) and De Toneelmakerij, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), connecting more than 1000 young people online.
A project seminar took place at Deutsches Theater Berlin from 11-14 June 2017. Different NADIA productions were shown, and experts discussed with young audiences and artists questions of identity, belonging and how theatre is a stimulating meeting place for reflection, orientation and argumentation. The projects conclusions were discussed at a final gathering of all partners and a public viewing of the production at Théâtre de Liège in November 2017.
The Dutch playwright Daniël van Klaveren has been commissioned to write the text for NADIA. On the basis of regular exchange during the conception and production phase the five directors Esther Jurkiewicz (Germany), Peer Perez Øian (Norway), Isabelle Gyselinx (Belgium), Giacomo Giuntini (Italy) and Daniël van Klaveren (The Netherlands) worked out different perspectives on this pan-European issue. The partners collaborated digitally during the performances. These stagings aimed for opening a dialogue between young people all over Europe and initiate questions for a longer discussion about the topic of radicalisation, religious believes and human values in today's society. Therefore a digital online education tool was developed and functioned as a new open-source platform for theatres all over the world.
The whole NADIA project is to discover on
Related Publications
The Attraction of Radical Ideologies
Nadia Onstage
NADIA: The Making-of -
A Wanderer with a PC
NADIA: The Making-of -
Why NADIA? Introduction to the Project
To Belong
NADIA: The Making-Of -
A Way of Reading
NADIA: The Making-of -
No Nadia in Norway
NADIA: The Making-of -
Nadia Are You Online?
A New Online Theatre Education Tool -
Best Practice: Social Media in Theatre Education
Creative and Technical European Team

De Toneelmakerij
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Text and stage director: Daniel van Klaveren
Actors: Jouman Fattal, Stefanie van Leersum, Elise van ’t laar and Gonca Karasu (second cast)
Dramaturgy: Paulien Geerlings
Stage and costume design: Morgana Machado Marques
Stage and costume assistant: Afke Manshanden
Actor in movie: Nick Livramento da Silva
Project manager: Inger Stam and Fleur Feij
Technical manager: Jos Koedood, Sophie de Hoop
Stage builder: Daniel Jansen
Education: Martien Langman
Workshop teachers: Anika Abbing, Rocco van Loenen, Priscilla Vaudelle, Simone Roerig, Ilon Lodewijks, Wieke ten Cate, Kim van den Bemt

Théâtre de Liège
Liège, Belgium
Text: Daniel Van Klaveren
French translation: Alain Van Crugten
Stage director and stage design: Isabelle Gyselinx
Actors: Loriane Klupsch, Eva Zingaro-Meyer
Actors in movie: Rémi Faure, Deborah Marchal, Agathe Sikivie, Loubna Huberty, Romina Pace
Assistant director: Léonard Berthet-Rivière
Web design: Mike Latona
Costume design: Myriam Simenon
General management: Dylan Schmit
Project manager: Jean Mallamaci
Education: Isabelle Collard
The artistic team of Nadia warmly thanks: Agathe and Valentine Sikivie, Michel Kozuck, Sandra, Cédric, Eddy, Ehsan, Delil, Ahmed, Loic and David from the workshops of Théâtre de Liège, Moojtaba Hashem, Bishr Abdalla, Lê-kha Tranviet, Loubna Huberty, Romina Pace and Jimmy Geers

Fondazione Teatro Due
Parma, Italy
Text: Daniel Van Klaveren
Stage director and Italian translation: Giacomo Giuntini
Actors: Eleonora Pace, Maria Laura Palmeri
Actors in movie: Gianmarco Pellecchia, Francesca Tripaldi, Giulia Pizzimenti
Video: Lucrezia Le Moli
Project manager: Francesca Gandini
Audio and light technician: Andrea Romanini, Luca Bronzo
Costume design: Elisabetta Zinelli
Education: Giacomo Giuntini

Staatstheater Braunschweig
Braunschweig, Germany
Text: Daniel van Klaveren
German translation: Eva M. Pieper (Dt. Erstaufführung)
Stage director: Esther Jurkiewicz
Actors: Anja Dreischmeier, Sinem Spielberg
Stage and costume design: Henriette Hübschmann
Music: Francesco Wilking
Dramaturgy: Andreas Steudtner
Theatre pedagogue: Theresa Meidinger, Céline Bartholomaeus
Actors in movie: Ravi Marcel Büttke, Nina El Karsheh, Katharina Binder, Theresa Meidinger, Marzieh Sargaran, Kathrin Simshäuser
Assistant director/ prompter: Vanessa Ohlhof
Scenography assistants: Karin Haberich, Christine Wagenleiter
Stage and costume assistant: Lynn Stechert
Sound, stage, and light arrangement: Katharina Höffert, Jens Hanking, Lennart Illmann
Video: Wieland Hilker
Video assistant: Timo-Hakim Djebrallah
Make-up: Lisa Widdeke
Production engineer: Stephan Busemann

Det Norske Teatret
Oslo, Norway
Text: Chris Thorpe
Norwegian translation: Marita Liabø
Stage director: Peer Perez Øian
Actors: Sara Khorami, Marie Blokhus, Amell Basic
Composers: Ole Alexander Halstensgård (Ulver), Tore Ylvisaker (Ulver)
Dramaturgy: Ola E. Bø
Project manager: Hedda Rønneberg
Stage technicans: Pelle Dengsø, Tryggve Ildahl
Costume design: Tove Svartsund
Prop coordinator: Helen Hazeland
Publisher: Nordiska ApS
NADIA theatre education project management: Erlend Tårnesvik Dreiås In cooperation with: Svein Tindberg (actor), Just Unity youth organization, Belinda Braza (choreographer)

Deutsches Theater
Berlin, Germany
Head of education department Junges DT: Birgit Lengers
Theatre pedagogue: Lukas Müller
International relations, Autorentheatertage: Christa Müller
Theatre and school: Anne Tippelhoffer
European Theatre Convention
Paris/Berlin, France/Germany
Author of Nadia: Daniel van Klaveren
Artistic director of NADIA: Paulien Geerlings
International project director: Heidi Wiley
Project manager: Teresa Pfaud
Project interns: Anaïs Levieil, Léna Vergne
Web design and development: Making Waves
Web support: Erlend Tårnesvik Dreiås
Social Media manager: Ruth Verhoeff
Accounting: COGEED